Category: News

Village Trust AGM 2024

Online Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting By Phone: 0 800 456 1369 then enter the ID 947 9033 0558 and # then #

Help Us Record The Jubilee Weekend….

The Village Trust has now launched the Village Archive Website and what better way to start than the Queen’s Jubilee
If you have any photos, videos or stories you want to share you can now upload them to the Village Archive

Peregrines At Salisbury Cathedral

THEY’RE back! Salisbury Cathedral’s peregrines have returned for another year.

It wouldn’t be the start of the spring season without the famous birds dominating the city news, preparing once again to mate and lay eggs.

Links and Information from Darren’s Talk

During the presentation from Darren on 20th January he discussed some of the sharpening techniques for garden shears and the like…

Garden Tool Sharpening Hints from Darren

During the presentation from Darren on 20th January he discussed some of the sharpening techniques for garden shears and the like…

Hedgehog News

We are loving these awesome hedgehog facts!!

Fox Rescue

This little chap was rescued from the A36 just outside Salisbury