Green Gardens Annual Clear-Up 2022

The Village Trust met up with some super helpful volunteers early on Saturday 29th January

We met on the benches inside the Green gardens, had a briefing and began to clear up around the inner hedge. We made great progress, trimming back the hedgerow from the entrance on hay lane, along the poulshot road end of the gardens to the opposing side entrance (the whole western half).

The hedgerow was trimmed, the undergrowth cut back, raked up and material set at the eastern end of the gardens. We found some broken patches of barbed wire, which we folded back from the pathway.

We had a total of 6 volunteers helping, each bringing a huge amount of enthusiasm to the team effort. One brought their trusted ride on lawn mower and trailer which helped to move a lot of debris. It was such a cold blustery day but thankfully no rain!! We managed to power through the wind and finished up at 12.30pm, we think you will agree by the pictures it was a great result for 2 hours hard graft.

The Trust will be returning for another volunteer morning on the 26th February and we will then burn the material collected from the two weekends.

Hopefully before we tackle the next piece of work, the contractor assigned by the Poulshot Parish Council will have been to cut the tops of the hedge, which will also be cleared up.

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